Using technology to work smarter
Featured Services
Realestate photography
Sports/Event photography
Planimetric and topographic data collection
Planimetric and topographic CAD files
More about our service
We have always had a passion for photography and video production. Combining that passion with 15 years experience in civil engineering and survey technologies created the host of services we offer today.
New technologies go hand and hand with these passions and our dive to develop better methods of approaching situations is why we are able to produce high quality products in a timely manner.
General drone photo/video, some applications include:
Traffic studies footage
Inspection footage
The engineering and construction services offered are more in depth. Using hardware/software to control a site we are able to lock in to any state plane coordinate system, complete with a quality control report. These services include:
Orthographic aerial images (.jpeg, .geotif)
Point cloud files (.las, .laz)
Surface files (.xml)
Planimetric linework and symbiology (.dxf, .dwg)
Full topographic surveys (.dwg)
Template development (.dwt)
This is a question we hear a lot from engineers.
The truth is there are many ways of controlling a site. These many ways take very difference amounts of time.
Example: Using gps of existing paint markings we preformed a dense 5.5 mile roadway survey with only 3 days of field work (including QAQC field walk) and controlled the site to .08’.
Controlling a site traditional we can expect .01-.04’ tie-in.
Controlling a site with GPS we can expect .05-.1’ tie-in
Now, for elevation data. The point cloud produced has a thickness to it. This thickness results in another .08’ on top of control tie-in.
Contact Us
If there are any questions about the services offered please reach out and we will get back to you shortly.
For the quickest response please text or call the contact number listed below.